Sad to report that Celtic Historian David Potter peacefully passed away this morning

It is with great sadness that we can confirm that Celtic historian and Celtic Star columnist and author, David Potter, peacefully passed away as he slept at around 5.20am yesterday morning, 29 July 2023. He was 74.

On Wednesday we posted this message on twitter at the request of David’s lovely wife Rosemary:

David Potter had a rare and severe reaction to his immunotherapy treatment and is now in the High Dependency Unit at the Victoria Hospital receiving treatment. Not feeling great and voice very weak so I am texting for him just to let you know. Your prayers are welcome.

Rosemary, his wife.

And prayers were certainly said and candles lit for this great Celtic man who has contributed so much to Celtic Football Club over his lifetime. David has been a huge supporter of The Celtic Star, and indeed other Celtic sites over the years, always wanting to ensure that the great stories of the club’s history were passed down the generations.

Today we received the saddest news that we we dreading from Rosemary and once again this is shown below.

Thank you for your prayers for David which he much appreciated.

The sad news today is that David’s condition deteriorated yesterday overnight and he slept away peacefully at 5.20am.

He had received anointing with holy oil and prayers on Friday when we didn’t know whether he would recover or not and was comforted by that.

It’s too early for us to have thought of anything further but I will keep you informed of any future arrangements.

Thank you for your prayers and support.


Rest in Peace David Potter, a legend among the Celtic support. You’ll Never Walk Alone.

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email


  1. So sorry to hear this news.

    David Potter was a wonderful writer and a fine historian.

    Wishing that his nearest and dearest are blessed and comforted at this time of transition.


  2. Sean McGinley on

    Very sad to hear this news. I have thoroughly enjoyed a lot of David’s work. He will be a sad loss. R.I.P.

  3. Very saddened at Davids passing, I much admired his writing., commiseration’s to his family. RIP.

  4. As a great lover of all things pertaining to the history of Celtic FC, I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of this great Celtic man. Condolences to David’s family circle and his many friends. May his soul find eternal peace in the other Paradise.

  5. Gerard Oates on

    David Potter reawakened many memories for so many fans. A true Celtic legend. My first games include the 1961 Dunfermline cup final and the first European tie against Valencia. He gave us insights these games and the arrival of Joe MacBride and Willie Wallace. Our prayers and wishes are with you and your family.

  6. Shirley Alexander on

    Terrible news. So grateful for the Celtic stories & knowledge shared by David. Thoughts with David’s family.

  7. David has left a magnificent legacy by recording our heritage. Condolences to Rosemary and David’s family. RIP

  8. GBY A magnificent family man both Celtic and those closest. Remembered by both fondly xx

    • So sorry to hear this,may he get to work with everyone he wrote about in the other Paradise R.I.P.Thoughts and prayers for his family YNWA,A truly great historian,

      • Hail Hail to a true Celt who used his gifts to bring alive our history to so many. I personally own many of his books as many others do. He was able to take us back in time to years like 1965 and 1967 and make us feel as if we were there. He will be sadly missed.

  9. So sad to hear of David’s passing. I felt I knew him through his great historical work on Celtic. I have several of his books and loved them all. He will be a huge loss to the Celtic family. Sincere condolences to his family. RIP David Potter. YNWA

  10. R I P David.
    Saddened to learn of his death.
    Condolences to David’s widow and family.
    A fine writer with an objective eye for all things Celtic.
    Like the rest of our generation he experienced the troughs as well as the peaks.

  11. Brian Hugh Ferguson on

    May David Rest In Peace,such a loss,always looked for and loved his writing.
    Deepest condolences to his family and friends.