Yet more questions over the safety of our players and staff at Ibrox. Let’s hope they don’t remain unanswered or go unpunished. Enough is enough…

An incident which occurred at Ibrox during yesterday’s dramatic derby match is now being investigated. The incident in question is of course a moment in the second half when a few missiles believed to be coins were aimed at the Celtic dug out.

Also coming to light today was that a glass bottle was also thrown in the direction of Matt O’Riley as he celebrated putting us 2-0 up from the penalty spot. Watch this…

A Celtic Spokesperson told Scottish Sun: “It has been confirmed today that a glass bottle was thrown at Matt at yesterday’s match. The repeated targeting of our players and staff with missiles is quite appalling and completely unacceptable. We have already raised our serious concerns with Rangers and understand that police are investigating the matter.”

Those two incidents are sadly not in isolation and have been happening all too frequently these past few years. Scott Brown was confronted on the pitch while Lee Griffiths had a battery among other objects aimed in his direction. Just two years ago a broken glass bottle was thrown across Joe Harts penalty area, while in the same game Celtic physio Daniel Friel was maimed after being targeted with a missile thrown from the stands.

It’s not just Celtic players and staff that are subjected to it. Just before covid Leon Bailly of Bayer Leverkusen just narrowly missed being hit by a glass bottle after scoring in a Europa League tie. The forthcoming pandemic saved the Ibrox club a hefty sanction by UEFA.

This is being allowed to happen because of the lack of condemnation and punishment handed out by the incompetent SFA. Each and every time it happens we ask questions over the safety of our players and staff and they always remain unanswered. TheRangers have a responsibility to stop the thuggish behaviour of their supporters. This is not a one off after all.

The governing body also has a responsibility to come down hard on the Ibrox club as rival players, managers, and other staff members are being targeted while at their place of work.

It needs to stop now, but tougher sanctions need to be imposed. But do the SFA and theRangers have any plans to pursue such actions? I highly doubt it. This should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago. If it continues to go unpunished then someone is going to get seriously hurt.

And will we hear from Police Scotland about these latest shameful incidents as well as their update on approximately* 48,000 Rangers supporters breaking the hate crime legislation yesterday afternoon. Arrests must surely follow follow…

*Numbers provided by Ally McCoist last week.

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