Sandman’s Definitive Ratings – Celtic at The Tundra

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HIGHLAND TOFFEE – 6.5/10 – “When Ah wis up here back in the day wi’ the The Skids this was all Tyrannosaurus Rex territory. Still is, probably, if they electric fences aroond the toon are anyhing tae go by…” beamed young Jobson, the only Celt getting off the bus with a grin on his chops because he’s just damned happy to be here among his heroes. But not only can he hold a tune, he can play a bit too. Improved our midfield energy and incisiveness no end as he injected purpose and desire. Using his natural rangefinder, balls into their box seemed more troublesome and his positional awareness meant they couldn’t get it clear but for him picking it off thirty yards out. Worthy of a start next.

JAMESY – 6/10 – Want a party livened up, you know who to call. Want a threat brought to a tricky away scrap, you know who to call. The polis in both cases, usually, as Jamesy’s threat level certainly had them gathering in numbers beside the park, after at least a dozen local burds abandoned their seats to run out in a tizzy as he hustled on and hustled around at speed across their defensive line, causing some delightful chaos in tandem with the wee mhan…

KILLER MUSHROOM – 6/10 – Movement – that’s what it’s all about, kids. Shift and find the spaces appearing. We had Jamesy the wandering weapon, and darting Kyogo, famed for his medical assistance, but out to hurt them today. And his saved glancing header from the corner led to the equaliser. Then he dragged their other big CB away from covering Kuhn’s deadly run. Told ye, Brendan, the title’s in his boots. Play the predator.

SAINT BERNARDO – 5/10 – Get on, get busy. Took Paulo a few minutes of sclaffing and clumsiness to get his groove, but then we got some quality and decent deliveries and a presence in there to thwart their retorts.


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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

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