Sandman’s Definitive Ratings – Celtic at The Tundra

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THE NOTAPRODDYGAL – 6.5/10 – With the ‘improve us in Europe remit’ now hanging over his head like the Sword of Damocles, it was always possible BR would take a leaf out the Levein Under Pressure Manual and go 5-5-0. No, he declared full intent to attack anything that moved, even if it meant a retaliation that would leave baws aching and the foul taste of a proper doing lingering for a while. Bit like Israel then. Hopefully…Team was only slightly altered and first 45 looked the wrong choices. But he nailed it with the subs and got the tough result we manage once a while up at the frostline. Seven out of seven, or nine out of nine in total, domestically, cannot be argued
with. So I won’t.

MIBBERY – 6/10 – Hungover from celebrating through Tuesday night like the rest of the country’s Zombies who now truly live vicariously through us, the MIBs managed to catch a stagecoach North and bribe somebody named
Passepartout to huckle their dodgy VAR equipment to the local sacrificial killing ground; Or ‘Victoria Park’, its Sunday name. They needn’t have bothered; they probably knew this was going to be a reparation day and the Hoops were dead set on taking out their CL angst on the already-resigned-to-a-humping home cannon fodder.
Yet, hopes were raised all that stuffy opening period and we’ve already covered the Kasper orgasmic moment for them. But all that glee and aching hope came to nothing with such a wonderful spewer of a goal that the diminutive Zombie on VAR – hello, Little Nick – missed the second yellow offence as OUR Nick partied with the travelling bhoys and one steward, drawn in as collateral damage. Well, that’s Celtic entertainment for ya, MIBs…

OVERALL – 6/10 – Dear Ghod, do we have to watch another game…It’s been a long week. From Perth to Purgatory, Yellow Wall to Ding Wall. Now the Bhoys have to run the gauntlet as they trespass on the tribal lands of the frozen North, seeking out the village of the Wildlings through the dank, chill mists, already cursed by the local witchdoctors for violating The Sabbath. So after Tuesday’s abominable show, man, we travelled to the tundra to hunt abominable snowmen (See what I did there, shocking pun lovers?).

Even after the hilarity of Thursday’s Ibrox misadventure mitigating a bit of that sting, enthusiasm was on the wane – it was a time not of cheery anticipation, but for staring into the lunchtime pint, sucking a breath in through clenched teeth, then lifting eyes to the screen with a wavering sigh. That Rhineland nightmare would be merely an
anomaly in the glorious Celtic matrix? Surely…

Eh, whew, nearly. That first half was reminiscent of awaking to the dawn half-light in a dreary old Dortmund brothel, high ornate ceiling spinning above as you drag your aching body out of bed from beside the slumbering form of god-knows-what and stagger across the cold bare wooden floors, stepping over a dead chicken and the naked midget cuddling a snoring ferret lying beside the white-dusted silver salver holding a couple of blunt razor blades, as you search three empty Absinthe bottles for a drop of moisture to quench your rabid thirst and orientate your befuddled brain.

That sort of half. Yeah…Like we’d regressed a year.

But, as the bookies hate, the Hoops did it again; that relentless optimism and solid self-belief so absent midweek, drove the Bhoys over the finish line and finished the traumatic week on a high to carry us over the next fortnight in good spirits. So after that edgy trip into distillery country, thankfully it’s a toast to the bhoys that closes the opening chapter of the season. Slainthe, all.

Go Away Now


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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

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