BRIAN DE – N/A – What will we get from a brief cameo? He surprisingly took to the field looking like it was a Honduran beach excursion. No gloves? No thermals? Then he ran it out of play first involvement due to frostbite.
SAINT BERNARDO – 6.5/10 – The most brilliant non-touches of the ball of the season. Twice dummying for Reo to score and settle it. Great defensive work, too. And Nearly scored to cap a memorable ten minutes.
HAKUNA HATATE – 7/10 – A half hour better than many of his recent 90. Reo appeared in time to raise our quality going forward after United had gained a bit of a troubling foothold. Sealed the points with a terrific finish, may have added another, and had some notable defensive endeavour too.
KILLER MUSHROOM – 6/10 – First couple of touches knocked the icicles off, then he was buzzing around. Could have got one himself but for their keeper being sharp. Created more chaos and space than the big ghuy had managed all his time on the park. Lesson once more: Play Kyogo, win titles.
Time to go Idaho.