“In any case, you must not confuse a single failure with a final defeat.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald.

THE FRIENDLY GHOST – 8/10 – A keeper on a mission – blinding saves to defy them as Villa sought the killer. Even rolled one out to their striker with a, “‘Mon then ya pick, free go…” in his best Danwegian; And made a marvellous save. Did his heroic best despite some of the idiocy going on in front of him.

GREGGS THE BAKER – 5.5/10 – Was given a torrid 90 down his side, mostly spent on his heels which made it difficult to get him into the middle for an overload. And when he did, tired legs hampered his passing; not as snappy as usual when it needed to be. His one shining moment was the solitary time he did find himself bursting
forward well and setting up the goal.

WAYNE GRETZKY – 6.5/10 – Caught ball-chasing for their first, drawn out as his runner was played-in behind to set it up. But recovery is key at the highest level to avoid a rinsing. And nobody recovers like The Moose: off the line, interceptions, battering a few, forcing the game, trying to make the Kuhn link. Solid and purposeful for the remainder of his night after the aberration.

OF JUSTICE – 5.5/10 – The Blessed Liam struggled for his usual poise. The start shook him, and his distribution suffered. So did his neck, having to constantly crane it while their striker ran off his back. That blindsiding happened too often and we were punished; really needed him not conceding ground because his CB partner was having to go man-to-man. There is a solution/aid to that tactical conundrum, but…See the manager’s bit…

CRUSTY THE CLOWN – 8.5/10 MOTM – Alarming! After five minutes and the nightmare start, with a savaging looming like Nosferatu at sunset, I downed the kick-off Guinness and stared hard at the defence…Immediately ordered another, as focus revealed Crusty pairing up mano-a-mano against Arsenal’s new striker (wave bye-bye, Villains…). You can sink another pint pretty quick when it strikes like that. Then the Yank Beside The Tank (usually…) really got the litmus test of his career for the rest of the game.. And we got the revelation of the season – this bhoy can rock it with the finest. Best I’ve seen in years from a Celtic defender needing to be at his upper limit of every required attribute for an exhausting length of time involving a merciless physical tussle against a mobile dynamic unit. Even put in the tackle of the game – for which he was ludicrously penalised by the umpiring weasel and the myopic rodents on VAR. Despite conceding four, his was the solo defensive performance of 2024/25 to date.
w e need to change our formation, and get a big strong sitting midfielder [Ryan Porteus] and let CALUM move up field more,