They celebrate war heroes, poppies, and also the totenkpof! Welcome to our mad world where we have to endure the world’s worst neighbours…

Saturday was armed forces day at Ibrox. A day in which the natives literally shout from the rooftops about their affection for the men and women of British military. Yes let’s not beat about the bush, it’s all a charade. From the club down to the supporters it’s all a front to showcase a hidden agenda. Well not that hidden, as we all know what it’s about.

Pipe bands, cannon balls fired on the field, army personnel trooping on the pitch like a North Korean parade, and let’s not forget the  solider abseiling from the enclosure complete with the match ball. Yes to the outside world it’s barking mad, although to those connected to the Ibrox club it’s all completely normal.

It gets even more bonkers when you throw in the banner which has attracted many headlines over the past few days. A banner which I may add, has been present at Ibrox on more than one occasion.  The one with the skull, not any ordinary skull, but a totenkpof, a symbol used by the murderous The Schutzstaffel during World War II. The same SS who committed heinous atrocities in the concentration camps and killed so many British soldiers.

Yet these same supporters claim to back the British military and like to honour those who gave their life during the second world war trying to stop evil factions such as the SS. These folk also like to wear their Poppy for Remembrance Day and condemn anyone who doesn’t. It’s barmy, it’s bewildering, there’s so many words you can use to describe it.

The outside world must be looking in on disbelief, the British Army talking part in their parade while their supporters are wearing SS t-shirts and waving their Schutzstaffel flag. But it’s not unusual  to those of us in Scotland  We’ve witnessed this behaviour for many a year. Welcome to our mad world where we have to endure the world’s worst neighbours.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy