Sickening racism from Scotland’s Shame in Macedonia, where’s Show Racism the Red Card today?

SCOTLAND’S SHAME just couldn’t help themselves in their second ever European adventure. This time last year it was the great comedy show as their side lost to the fifth best side in Luxembourg, failing to get over the first hurdle in the Europa League qualifiers and ending with their then manager Pedro Caixinha arguing with their own supporters while standing in a hedge.

While that was all very amusing, this time Scotland’s Shame are in the news not for remarkably earning a scoreless draw that takes them into the next qualifying round, but for some sickening racist videos posted on social media by their travelling support. Worse still is that their racism was directed at children and the Macedonians must be left shaking their heads in disbelief at these horrendous racism displayed by some of the travelling Rangers support.

The Rangers fans video is too extreme to how. One of the Rangers fans in the video calls an innocent child a “p**i” and spews the words “White Power,” the video shows numerous young children and each is subjected to abuse.

These racists have even added a caption to their hate video – it reads:
“F**k the beggars – white power”. And as it goes down the row of young children, it returns to one young boy wearing a Gucci top and the Rangers supporter says “F*** the p***s.

“White power ya f*****g dafty.”

And this was not the only offensive video to emerge from Scotland’s Shame’s trip to Macedonia. In another a Rangers fan shouts “f**k the Pope,” and this is greeted with loud cheering from others within the shameful travelling support.

The Rangers SLO has been asked to comment and condemn these racist videos which bring shame on Scotland.

Last week Show Racism the Red Card was very quick to jump into a row concerning Shay Logan who claimed that he was subjected to racist abuse at Celtic Park in May.

The Aberdeen player was sent off and appealed this decision but his appeal was thrown out. Logan though failed to mention the allegedly racist remarks and has never had anyone back him up – no other Aberdeen player has ever heard any of these things that Logan hears when Celtic are involved.

Yet Show Racism the Red Card did get involved last week.

What say they today after Scotland has been shamed in Macedonia by Scotland’s Shame?

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

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