The Star

It was early on Christmas morn’

and the smiling face of my wee first born,

‘I love my Hoops Dad, I love the crest,

but why this star here upon my chest?’

The star first rose back in ‘67

The league, two cups and the Bhoys in heaven.

When in the warmth of the Lisbon sun

The mighty Inter were thrashed 2-1.

Simpson and Gemmell, Chalmers and Auld

McNeill and Murdoch and the Buzz Bomb,

Clark, Craig and Murdoch – our greatest team,

Watching over Jinky, was big Jock Stein.

And to those Lions who have passed on,

to a golden sky and the sweet lark’s song.

You were our finest, your country’s best

God grant you light and eternal rest.

So on the Hoops now we wear the star

and follow Celtic both near and far.

Through good and bad times; what fortune brings,

we have our dreams and our songs to sing.

John Newlands

*Yesterday evening a photograph apparently showing of Celtic’s shirt for next season was leaked on social media and this prompted a huge debate on whether Celtic should have 5 stars on our shirt next season – four gold and one green this combining 50 league wins with the European Cup win in Lisbon in May 1967.

We ran a poll on The Celtic Star – check out the results HERE.

As we reported last night, it turns out that the leaked image was a FAKE – see HERE but it certainly did settle the argument = most Celtic fans are happy to continue with the ONE star, The Celtic Star on our shirt.

If we want to increase that to TWO then there is a way…We have dreams and songs to sing!