Spectator Index highlights Celtic’s 1967 success to 2.4m followers

The Spectator Index have highlighted Celtic’s 1967 in a Twitter post on Thursday night. The account is a popular news outlet, often reporting on world events, politics, sports and entertainment.

The account also posts facts. In this post, they released a list of football teams that have won the Treble. Included in that was Jock Stein’s immortal side that won the League, League Cup, Scottish Cup, Glasgow Cup and European Cup during the 1966/67 season.

There are a number of sides included on the list but Celtic’s success stands alone, owing to the fact that it was in fact a Quadruple (if we discount the Glasgow Cup). Celtic’s success on the 25th May 1967 in Lisbon was the first time a non-Latin side had won European football’s greatest prize.

Manchester City are the latest to add themselves to the list of some of football’s greatest teams with a win over Inter in Istanbul. Celtic’s success featured all home grown players whilst City have pending charges for financial impropriety in their seismic rise to the top of football. However, City’s model is sustainable and a lot of jealous ‘old money’ teams are terrified of their model.

About Author

Born just as Celtic were stopping the Ten, Lubo98 follows Celtic home and away and helps run his local Celtic Supporters Club. He goes to all the games and is a Law Graduate. Has a particular fondness for Tom Rogic among the current Celts and both Lubo and Henrik form his earliest Celtic memories.

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