Offensive songs and missiles you say? It’s Squirrel Time…

Following on from their defeat at pittodie on Sunday evening Rangers issued yet another statement, this time condemning a section of the Aberdeen support.

A Celtic supporter was hit by a bottle on January at Ibrox – not a word from theRangers on this.

Soundly beaten on the field and no refereeing controversy to complain about, they decided to move their focus off the field, well into the stands to be precise.

Yes as ever they need a distraction to deflect from their poor performance, their classic squirrel tactic. And this time it’s the Aberdeen supporters who are in the firing line. Songs mocking the Ibrox disaster and missiles being thrown at their players are among the accusations made by the Ibrox club.

One of their staff assaults Fran Alonso – not a word from theRangers

Firstly I don’t condone chanting of any form that mocks the dead, or objects being thrown at players. It’s behaviour we can do without. Secondly it’s only a small percentage who indulge in this idiotic behaviour, and unfortunately every fan base up and down the country has their own element of morons. But for theRangers to use this as a deflection for their own failings is not only ridiculous but hypocritical.

Mocking the dead has long been a favourite of a large element of the Rangers support. The famine song anyone? Songs about Tommy Burns and Johnny Doyle? Not to mention their love of being up to their knees in our blood. Disgraceful, yet it regularly goes on without comment or condemnation from the powers that be at Ibrox. Sometimes they actively encourage it. It’s not whataboutery, it’s the truth.

A Celtic coasdh scarred for life after being hit by a glass bottle thrown by one of their corporate area supporters, not a word was said publicly by theRangers…

Throughout the years our players have been the target of missiles thrown from the Ibrox crowd. A golf ball, broken glass and a battery among the objects that have been used to try and maim our players. They’ve even been confronted on the park by an eejit from the stands. Our physio was of course scarred for life after being hit with an object last year. And the most recent incident saw one of their coaches receive an extremely lenient six match ban from the Scottish FA after he assaulted the Celtic FC Women manager Fran Alonso from behind.

They must have ran out of crayons when those incidents occurred. Not a word written or a word spoken. The lack of condemnation and apologies after these incidents highlights their total and utter hypocrisy. They conveniently neglect their own problems. Maybe if they kept their own house in order they could then pass judgement.

Broken glass thrown ono Joe Hart’s gaol area ahead of the second half from their supporters in Copeland Road stand. Nothing was said by theRangers.

The simple truth is that they care not a jot about crowd behaviour, whether it comes from their supporters or anyone else’s. All they care about is taking the spotlight away from their well documented problems on an off the field.

That’s the main aim. Squirrel time.

JustAnOrdinaryBhoy – follow on Twitter @ordinarybhoy