After an brilliant trial run of The Celtic End at the SWPL1 match between Celtic and Glasgow City last night, North Curve Celtic have this evening provided an update on the ongoing campaign to create a Green Wall in the lower section of the Jock Stein Stand which will be called The Celtic End.

We were in the press box at Celtic Park last night, as it was a women’s game, where fan media sometimes get invited (although not always) and there were guys from some of the other sites there too, 67HH and Celts are Here . We all were saying the same thing about how impressive the Green Wall in The Celtic End was and speculated about how amazing it would be in a 60,000 big Champions League match, under the lights. It would be crazy!

And with the match broadcast last night live on Sky Sports a much wider TV audience got the chance to envisage what this would look like in practice. The Celtic End campaign acknowledges that there are challenges before this project gets the green light from Celtic, not least the views of the Celtic supporters who currently sit in the location that they wish to take over.

But if it can be achieved to everyone’s satisfaction then there is no doubt that the atmosphere inside Paradise would considerably change and certainly for the better. Last night was amazing and definitely helped the team.

Here’s the statement that has been posted by the various Ultras groups behind the initiative and if you are speaking to Fran Alonso – as we did last night (see below) – you won’t get a bigger supporter of what those fans provided for his team where a 1-0 half time deficit was turned around in sensational circumstances to give the Ghirls a 3-1 victory what goes a long way to delivering a title.

If Celtic FC Women win away to Hibs on Sunday then the club should move the last game of the season against Hearts the following Sunday to Celtic Park and invite the Green Wall back – it would be even bigger and better next time and there would be at least double the size of crowd, maybe even more for a match that could have shades of a Love Street 86 title winning party about it.

Michael Nicholson was at Celtic Park last night as was John Paul Taylor, the Celtic SLO. Both must have been mightily impressed by the backing given to Fran Alonso’s side.

Here’s the statement which is considered, respectful of other supporters opinions and clearly the best way to go about trying to implement the changes that are being proposed.

“The Celtic End made its debut last night, inspiring Celtic FC Women to a momentous comeback as they relentlessly attacked the goal-end which backed them throughout.

“With an attendance just shy of 10,000 this was merely a glimpse at what The Celtic End can offer to Celtic Park. The prospect of a full Celtic End leading 60,000 fans against Europe’s finest is mouth-watering yet not unrealistic. The Celtic End could be transformational for the club both on and off the park.

“While there are some understandable reservations – particularly from fans who currently occupy this area – at this stage in the campaign we are simply asking you to keep an open mind and consider the wider benefits to the club. You have a crucial role to play in transforming Celtic Park.

“At the end of the season, the club will launch a fan census and within it will be questions relating to standing at matches. We ask fans to answer these questions favourably. From here, once the demand is evidenced, we expect a full consultation piece to follow which will pave the way for a pragmatic and harmonious path to a better Celtic Park.”

What are your thoughts on how The Celtic End looked last night and whether you’d like to see it introduced at Celtic Park over the next few seasons?

Here’s Fran Alonso talking about the Green Wall last night after the game…