Super Joe Hart got a fairytale ending to his outstanding playing career

Joe Hart retires a winner and it’s fully deserved…

Joe Hart brought the curtain down on a hugely successful and eventful  playing career after yesterday’s Scottish Cup Final victory over theRangers at Hampden Park. 

It was a fitting finale for the former Manchester City and England shot stopper as he not only won another  trophy, but kept a clean sheet in his final appearance for Celtic where he won three Scottish Premiership titles, two Scottish Cups an two League Cups.  Seven from nine in three years is not half bad Joe!

Of course Joe has been a winner his entire career. He’s won every major honour in England as well as Scotland. He also won 75 caps for his country, so he has seen and done it all in a successful playing career playing for top clubs in England, Italy and last but for from least in Scotland.  It was only fitting that he bowed out the game with yet another honour at a club where he is adored.

Just to re-state his achievements at Celtic, yesterday’s Scottish Cup was his seventh honour at Celtic in just three seasons. Joe has been a superb player for us, and will quite rightly be greatly remembered for his contribution to our club and the success he helped bring us in a short space of time.

Joe was not only a great presence on the park, but also off it. He was a true leader and someone who will be a great miss not only to Celtic football club, but the game in general. All the best in retirement Joe, you throughly deserve it. He has always been a gentleman dealing with supporters and has always been brilliant when speaking to the Celtic fan media over his time at the club.

Joe leaves his gloves behind at exactly the right moment, signing off at the top of the game with a cup winners medal around his neck. The decline in his game was to come, Joe Hart faced up to that magnificently.

When the dust settles on this season that looked like going off the rails and with those inside Ibrox and their supporters all dreaming of a treble, Joe’s announcement that he would retire at the end of the season may well be regarded as the game-changer, the turning point inside the Celtic dressing room where the players got their collective acts together and found the form that turned things around and delivered a brilliant double of the Scottish Premiership and the Scottish Cup.

That’s the way many will see it and that’s one of the reasons why the Celtic support has given him the most wonderful send-off that he will remember for the rest of his life.  Joe, Joe, Super Joe…

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

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