The North Curve as we know have been campaigning to get the lower section of the Jock Stein stand turned into a standing section. The success of the 111 section has certainly whetted the appetite for a similar set up inside Celtic Park.

The atmosphere generated at Thursday nights Celtic FC Women’s 3-1 win against Glasgow City only further enhanced ambitions to make ‘The Celtic End’ a permanent fixture on match days.

The place was rocking and that was with only 9,500 supporters present, imagine a full 60,000 capacity on match day! European nights and Glasgow Derby games would be a sight to behold, Paradise on the big occasions is a very special place, one of the best in the world but this would elevate our atmosphere to another level altogether. When you look at the likes of Borussia Dortmund and their Yellow Wall ,  a similar Green Wall, as we saw the other night,  makes perfect sense. We could emulate such a wonderful atmosphere. Who wouldn’t want that?

Of course it’s easier said than done and a lot of work and planning permission has to be tackled before any plans are brought to fruition. There’s also the aspect of agreeing with the most important folk in this project, the club and the supporters themselves.

The ones who currently occupy the Jock Stein lower seats, they of course have a big say as anyone as it’s their area and they pay for the privilege to be seated there. It’s only right they have the biggest say in the plans. Would they agree to such a bold move? Only they will know. If I was a season ticket holder in that section I would have no problem with it being transformed, but that’s just my opinion and as we know we don’t all share the same opinion.

For older supporters who currently sit in the Jock Stein lower, it’s worth remembering that depending on your age,  you would have been able in your younger days to head into the Jungle where the young team would always gather the create the legendary atmosphere in the old Celtic Park before the current stadium was build by the visionary Fergus McCann.

And for even older supporters then you will recall that the singing always actually came from The Celtic End – and not the Jungle – so maybe it is time for the younger supporters to have their turn in there once again.

The Jungle in full flow…what a place that was!

As much as the ‘Celtic End’ is a wonderful idea, a lot of obstacles have to be overcome for it to become a reality. In my own opinion it’s a great idea and I hope it becomes more than just a dream. It will make the atmosphere at Paradise a joy to behold.

That’s what the majority want, let’s hope one day in the not too distant future, it’s a permanent fixture. It can only be a good thing. Please feel free to write to The Celtic Star offering your own thoughts on this proposal. The email address is and you can also post on the comments section below.

JustAnOrdinaryBhoy – follow on Twitter @ordinarybhoy