The Celtic Star is committed to telling the Celtic story

The Celtic Star is committed to telling the Celtic story, and by publishing top quality books that tell so far untold parts of Celtic’s History we believe we fulfil a significant role in making sure that these stories will be known and talked about by future generations of Celtic supporters.


Matthew Marr tells the story of Celtic’s first ever title win and in doing so you learn about the hardships our ancestors had to endure in the last years of the 19th century in Glasgow.

The late, great David Potter single-handedly brought Alec McNair’s remarkable achievements at Celtic back into the prominent position he deserves and in telling his story we get a further insight into life around the time of the Great War and afterwards. Even for a Celtic player life was far from easy.

David Potter followed that with the long overdue biography of Willie Fernie, a player that the Celtic support still sings about even to this day but remarkably no book had been written about this legendary Celt.

Matt Corr’s Invincible captures the magic of a very special season perfectly, while at Leicester City, the current Celtic manager purchased multiple copies of the book to gift to his own family members.

It’s an awesome read from what was just about the perfect Celtic season.Harry Hood is another Celtic legend whose story was told by The Celtic Star author Matt Corr. Like the McNair and Fernie families, the Hood family gave Harry’s biography their full support and all three families were delighted with the books when published.

The most recent book published by The Celtic Star is Matt Corr’s in depth look at Gordon Strachan’s first season at Celtic. Majic, Stan and the King of Japan takes us through one of the most eventful seasons in the modern Celtic era and it has to be acknowledged that WGS was a hugely successful Celtic manager, who was able to punch above his height and weight in the Champions League.

Two of our books are completely sold out, having been re-printed to satisfy demand. David Potter’s wonderful title, The Celtic Rising, told the story of Jock Stein’s first season at Celtic – 1965 The Year Jock Stein Changed Everything. Things changed alright and this book explains how it all happened.

The Celtic Rising is available on Amazon Kindle and all the brilliant photos shown in the print version from that era are included on Kindle. The same goes for Walfrid and the Bould Bhoys –  which was co-written by Liam Kelly alongside Matt Corr and David Potter and if you have a hardback copy, congratulations, it’s going to be a collectors’ classic. There’s hardly a week goes by when someone enquires about buying a copy.

Like The Celtic Rising, Walfrid and the Bould Bhoys is available on Amazon Kindle, as is Invincible, Harry Hood, The Bould Bhoys, Glory to their name and Majic Stan and the King Japan.

So if you haven’t read our books, or have a few more to add to your collection, we’re inviting you to do so over the next month so that we can continue to tell Celtic stories that deserve to be told. And all hardback books are available at just £10 plus postage, which is paid only on the first book ordered. You can order from and if you prefer Amazon Kindle then shop for the title of your choice there, which will cost £3.49.

Hail Hail

David Faulds
Editor – The Celtic Star

If you know your history…all Celtic Star Books HALF PRICE in our Summer Sale!
All Celtic Star Books just £10 plus postage (paid on first book only)

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

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