The Green Brigade’s Trophy Day ‘Super Joe Hart’ Tifo was Season’s Best

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The Green Brigade had so many top quality displays over the course of the season just ended but for many the one last weekend on Trophy Day at Celtic Park was the best of the season and probably one of their best of all time.

It was so creative, so well executed on the day, the timing was perfect and it caught the attention of everyone inside Paradise including those on the park and most importantly of all the man who is was all about.

And crucially this Tifo spoke for every single Celtic supporter inside the stadium and watching around the world as we all acclaimed and the Green Brigade spoke for us all. It’s a moment and an image that Joe Hart and his family will never forget as he played out the last two games of his playing career feeling the love of the entire Celtic support and collecting two winners medal to take his total in his three years at Celtic to seven, three Scottish Premiership titles, two League Cups and two Scottish Cups.

Our very special images of the Green Brigade’s Tifo of the Season – SUPER JOE HART…are on the next page…

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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email


  1. Maith raite.
    Like the great Pat Jennings and Gordon Banks, Joe did his talking between the posts.
    Adh mor.

  2. Maith raite.👏👏👏👏👏👏
    Like the greatPatJennings and Gordon Banks,Joe did his talking between the posts.
    Adh mor.
    Hail Hail.