The implications for Celtic from Matt O’Riley’s Euro 2024 snub

Will the Euro 2024 snub affect O’Riley valuation? Nope, but will it affect his chances of staying? Yes.

Matt O’Riley will no doubt be still reeling after being snubbed for the Danish squad for the forthcoming Euro 2024 tournament. That’s only natural, but I’m sure he’ll bounce back and it will only make him more determined to show Kasper Hjulmand – or whoever is the Denmark boss next season – that it was a wrong call to overlook him.

Pretty much everyone thinks that’s the case except Kasper Hjulmand and unfortunately for the Celtic Player of the Year, he’s the one making the call.

So yes, Matt will bounce back but whether that’s with Celtic or another club is another matter altogether. There might be a belief that the Danish snub could affect Matt’s market value, but that’s complete nonsense.

Yes a good Euro 2024 might have added a few million on to his price tag, but his current valuation of around £22 – £25 million won’t be affected in the slightest.

There is a downside however, and Matt will most likely feel that he has to move on if he wants to further his international ambitions. That’s only natural, and with his head already turned by the likes of Atletico Madrid chasing him, this recent international snub will have his head mixed up all that bit more now.

There was a slight chance that Matt could have stayed on maybe one more season, but with this international snub and interest in him intensifying, it’s unfortunately only a matter of time before he departs for pastures new.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

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About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

1 Comment

  1. Unfortunately that was my thinking also regarding Oreily and his future now?
    Good chance that the Danish international team will be looking at rebuilding after a euro failure, possibly with a new manager in place also?
    Normal enough course of action after major international tournaments also?
    Certainly see Oreily being very much part of future Danish international plans, and could even be considered as potential captain material imo?
    Yet there still remains a snobbery element within international football and what club you actually represent?
    The higher the profile of the club, then supposedly the better quality of player?
    Load of bollocks really imo, and doesn’t mean that you get the best from an international team either?
    The English possibly still remains the best example of how such a way of thinking hardly works out in successful terms?
    Matt Oreily may have only played 8 matches at CL level, yet was able to show his quality as a player within them also, especially last season when such games can be decided by moments of brilliance?
    This is also more likely of a team that Rodgers will be looking to form, with a greater knowledge of footballing intelligence imo?
    No wonder Oreily has excelled under Rodgers, while so many have taken longer to get up to speed with a different approach taken within our club?
    But this still remains a bigger requirement within todays game at the highest level, and Oreily certainly has that already within his locker upon playing terms?
    Would be a massive loss to Rodgers in what he is trying to create for our team, but unfortunately such players as Oreily with his abilities can also outgrow our club in available footballing opportunities also for themselves?
    Should Oreily decide to move on, then don’t think he will ever get anything close to the Celtic experience ever again, so wouldn’t totally rule out that just yet, especially when international snobbery isn’t as cracked up as many might think it is either imo?
    Always will believe that the Celtic experience out does anything that the international experience has to offer, so wouldn’t say matt Oreily is missing out on to much over the summer imo?