The old Celtic Board’s Cambuslang pipe dream

Back in the early nineties the Celtic board explored the possibility of leaving behind Celtic park and starting afresh in the shape of a brand new stadium, and even publicly pitched the idea.

The proposed plan with the help of serious investors was to flit a couple of miles down the road to cambuslang, and into a state of the art 52,000 all seater stadium, complete with rail transport, a retail park and a museum amongst other facilities.

With football clubs throughout the UK being forced to comply with the Taylor report which required clubs to have all seated stadia, the board seemed determined to fix that by starting from scratch.

Such a project though would prove expensive to finance, and this new venture would cost a whopping £100 million to construct.

The problem though was that our board couldn’t run a minodge never mind mastermind a multi million pound stadium venture.

Part of the plan was to construct the ground in different phases. With phase one being two touchline stands holding 32,000 being constructed to the tune of £26 million. Phase two was two lower tier levels completing the circle at the cost of £4 million, with phase three and four being the construction of upper tiers and a roof costing many millions more. It boggles the mind that they thought this was a feasible plan.

They even pledged economic opportunities to the area at a time when they were much needed. They sounded very much like desperate politicians promising the world, but like all politicians they were lying through their teeth.

Our club was a sinking ship at the time due to their incompetence, and this venture was nothing more than pie in the sky to take the heat off their failings. We had no money, and were on the brink of financial disaster yet these charlatans were promoting false hope. The reality was that we had more chance of relocating to Mars than Cambuslang.

Thankfully it was nothing more than a pipe dream construed by a bunch of shysters desperately trying to cling onto power at Celtic football club.

A couple of years later those same shysters would be removed from their position of power by a man who had a true vision, a man with great business acumen, backed by his own hard earned wealth.

That man was Fergus McCann, and he sold us no pipe dream. He presented us with his vision for the club, and promised us stability and success, including a revamped Celtic park we could all be proud of. Fergus unlike the previous regime delivered on all those promises.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

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