Do you know this man? He is not Daizen Maeda. He is Daizen Maeda’s look-alike. Celtic fans might be surprised to see him during the game on Celtic Japan Tour, and this man was a hot topic among us in the stadium and social media. His name as a comedian is “Daishizen Maeda”. I interviewed him exclusively online yesterday, so I’ll publish everything in my article…


On Saturday, 22 July, about 12,000 supporters from all over the world came to Panasonic Stadium located in Osaka for Celtic Japan Tour’s game against Gamba Osaka. I arrived at the stadium three hours before the start of the game, but I immediately witnessed a crowd in front of the offline goods shop.

When I got closer to there, Daizen Maeda’s look-alike was taking pictures with many fans, enlivening fans of a wide range of generations from children to adults. Actually, he was already a little celebrity in Japan as a comedian, so I stood in line for a photo shoot so that I wouldn’t miss this opportunity and offerd him an online interview as a Celtic fan media’s reporter in person.

This time, while touching on his personality and his memorable episodes, I focused on his relationship with Celtic, Scotland and Daizen Maeda and his future dreams as a comedian. Well then, please enjoy it.


Q: Please tell me about the origin of your stage name “Daishizen”.

A: “I got inspiration from the kanji “大然(Daizen)” of Daizen Maeda and decided to name it “大自然(Daishizen)”. There were several other candidates, but since I come from the countryside rich in nature in Nara Prefecture, “大自然(Daishizen)” which means “Magnificent nature” in that sense was perfect for me. Also, I knew through the Internet that the origin of Daizen’s name was also inspired by “Magnificent nature”, so I use this name to show respect for him when imitating Daizen. But I haven’t met him in person yet, and I haven’t received approval from him, so now I’m using this name without permission.”

Q: 本題の質問に入る前に芸名である「大自然」の由来について教えてください。


Q: You were born in Nara Prefecture, graduated from a university located in Osaka, and played in the football club when you were in college. In those respects, you have a lot in common with Kyogo Furuhashi, don’t you?

A: “That’s right, after all, I’m really proud of Kyogo Furuhashi as a person who was born in the same Nara Prefecture. It’s embarrassing for me to say such a thing, but to be honest, football culture has not taken root in Nara Prefecture until now.

“This does not mean that football teams in Nara Prefecture are wrong, and even though there are many great J-leaguers from Nara Prefecture, for some reason, excellent young players tend to move outside Nara Prefecture at the same time as going to high school, and I feel a little sad about that. I hope more cases for children to play football in Nara Prefecture as long as possible and become professional footballers as they are.

:But now that Kyogo Furuhashi is very active at Celtic, I feel that the situation has started to change in a good direction. I heard that the number of children in Nara Prefecture who admire Kyogo has increased in the number of children playing football in Nara Prefecture, and Kyogo is definitely having a big impact on our hometown Nara Prefecture.”

Q: セルティックメディアの記者として、セルティックに関わるご質問を中心にお伺いさせていただきます。大自然さんは奈良県宇陀市に生まれ、大阪体育大学を卒業されていて、大学時代はサッカー部に所属されていたと伺っています。その点で、セルティック所属の古橋選手と多くの共通点を持っておられますよね。


Q: Do you often talk to your family about Daizen and Kyogo, who is from the same hometown as you? Also, do you talk about Celtic with your family based on Japanese bhoys?

A: “Of course. I currently live in Kanagawa Prefecture, where Yokohama City is located, but when I return to Nara Prefecture, I often talk about Japanese Bhoys and Celtic with my family. Thankfully, after I started working as a look-alike of Daizen in Japan, I have a lot of opportunities to talk about Celtic with my parents. My dad, who was not interested in football at all, has recently started to be interested in Celtic. But my dad still often mistake Celtic for like “Celltech”. My mom asked me, “What country is Celtic located in?” Recently, when I went back to my hometown, my mom washed my Celtic’s kit, and she said, “This design is so cool. I really love green and white patterns.” I also love green, so I really love Celtic’s kit.”

Q: 同郷の古橋選手や、大自然さんがものまねをされている前田選手について、ご家族の間では話題になったりしますか?また、それらを話のタネにセルティックの話をされたりはしますでしょうか?


Q: It’s the first time I’ve heard that you love green. What made you love green?

A: “The colour of the kit of my university football club is green, and I’ve always loved green since then. So, just by looking at Celtic’s kit based on green, I can remember my passion of the time when I were passionate about football. That’s why I really love green.”

Q: 緑色がお好きであることを初めて知りました。きっかけはどういったことだったのでしょうか?


Q: In other words, one of the reasons you fell in love with Celtic was that you loved green? Also, was there any other reason to love Celtic?

A: “Actually, my wife Naomi had a job related to Adidas before, so she started following Celtic after meeting Shunsuke Nakamura around 2006. Of course I am too, but the reason why I actually wanted to know more about Celtic was when Japanese Bhoys such as Kyogo and Daizen joined Celtic. Now I often watch games with my wife and talk about Celtic.”

Q: セルティックに出会ったことも緑色のユニフォームに惹かれたことがきっかけの1つだったんでしょうか?または、ほかにセルティックを知ったきっかけがあればお伺いしたいです。


Q: I know that your wife was deeply involved in the reason why you decided to challenge Daizen’s look-alike. I would like to ask you if there is an impressive episode that happened between you and your wife.

A: “Yeah, my wife suddenly said at home, “Hey! Your back looks very much like Daizen!” I wasn’t aware of it at all, but I thought I’d believe it if my wife said so, so I started growing my beard. Then, I felt like I could somehow become a look-alike of Daizen, and my wife said, “Let’s try it!”

“I’m really close with my wife, and I started to challenge while thinking together about “How can we improve the quality as look-alike of Daizen?” But in order to create Daizen’s face, I always need my wife’s help. My wife always challenges various things together for me. Actually, this beard is also devised to add a little color with a black pen. I incorporate my wife’s opinion on makeup, not only the beard, but also the design of the eyebrows and the color of the foundation.

“We went to the shopping mall and bought cosmetics together. In addition, we are trying to keep a close look at Daizen’s recent activities on social media, and my wife got information that Daizen was traveling to the sea with his family in this off-season. In consideration of that, she advised me to express sunburn by using a slightly darker foundation. In this way, it’s essential to need my wife’s help in order to make it look like the current Daizen as much as possible. I’m full of gratitude to Daizen and my wife.”

Q: ダイゼン選手のものまねをしようと思ったきっかけに、奥様が関わっていると伺っていますが、記憶に残っているエピソードがあればお伺いしたいです。


A photo we never thought we’d see on The Celtic Star and there’s more surprises to come so keep reading!

Q: I understood that your current imitation style was created with your wife. It’s a very nice episode. Have your wife been supporting you in various aspects such as work and private life?

A: “Definitely yes. My wife always supported my challenge, but I’ve overcome various hardships with her. And I’ve really done a lot of challenges until now. Actually, I was originally a street performer. I was trying to make a living by ” farting performance” by becoming a disciple of Koikuchi Ichikawa. Farting performance is, for example, a performance in which I fly peanuts out of the tube by farting.

“In fact, I’ve been traveling while showing off farting performance in cities around the world. I was passionate about this performance as a street performer in Germany, the United States, Taiwan, Romania, and the Netherlands. And I’ve participated in Got talent as a member of “Mask Performers”. 

At Asia’s Got talent held in Malaysia in 2015 and Das Supertalent held in Germany in 2016, we were able to break through the first round, and in Romania in 2017 I also participated in a similar tournament. I’ve appeared on TV many times all over the world. But in the end, I didn’t get a big success with this performance. At that time, I was chasing my dream while having a large amount of debt, so I think I really had a hard time with my wife. In the end, my dream was to visit Edinburgh, Scotland, do farting performance on the street. But my career as a street performer ended without making that dream come true.”

Q: 現在のスタイルは奥様とともに作り上げられたものだったんですね。とても素敵です。今日のものまね芸に至るまで、仕事やプライベートなど様々な面で奥様と支え合ってこられたんですか?

A:その通りで、妻はいつも私のチャレンジを応援してくれましたし、苦労もたくさんかけました。今に至るまで本当にいろんなチャレンジをしてきました。実は私、元々大道芸人だったんですよ。吉本興業の市川こいくちさんに弟子入りをして「おなら芸」で生計を立てようとしていました。おなら芸というのは、例えばおならにより筒の中からピーナッツを飛ばしたり、吹き戻しを使った芸です。おなら芸一本で世界中を旅してきました。今覚えているだけでも、ドイツやアメリカ、台湾、ルーマニア、オランダ、世界中の街中でおなら芸を披露してきました。実はGot talentにも「マスクパフォーマーズ」の一員として出場したことがあるんです。2015年にマレーシアで開催されたAsia’s Got talentや、2016年にドイツで開催されたDas Supertalent(ドイツ版Got talent)では、1回戦を突破することができましたし、2017年にはルーマニアでも同大会に出場しました。でも、結局2回戦を突破することはできませんでした。当時、私は借金をしてまで夢を追いかけていましたし、妻には本当に苦労を掛けたなと思っています。最終的には、憧れの地であるスコットランドのエディンバラに行って、おなら芸で一世を風靡することが夢でしたが、結局は夢半ばで大道芸人としてのキャリアを終えてしまいました。」

This is the performance of “mask performers” at the time of Asia’s Got talent appearance. Please focus on him.

なお、こちらはAsia’s Got talent出演時のマスクパフォーマーズの皆さんのパフォーマンスです。大自然さんにご注目ください。

Q: It’s a very interesting story, including the fact that you dreamed of performing in Edinburgh. How did you change from a street performer to a comedian?

A: “I finished my career as a street performer in 2018, but Edinburgh has been a dream place among Japanese street performers since then. All the street performers said, “In Edinburgh, Scotland, people evaluate things frankly. Good things are good and bad things are bad. So if our performance is evaluated in that place, we can be real performers.”

“I also heard that and dreamed that one day I would like to fascinate people with my farting performance in Edinburgh. I really wanted to challenge even if I was penniless, but after all, I thought about the future with my wife and decided to take a different path in Japan.

“I made a living by working as a taxi driver since then, but last year, when my wife told me that looked like Daizen, my passion as a performer rose again, and I decided to go to audition for several Japanese TV programmes from around October 2022. The Qatar World Cup was held around that time, so I was able to perform as a lookalike of Daizen on a famous Japanese TV programme.

“Thankfully, there were more opportunities to be invited to various events after that. In fact, my local friend said to me, who is a taxi driver, “Would you like to come back to our hometown and work with me as a gardener?” He was giving me a helping hand, but I decided to consult with my wife and pursue my dream as a comedian again. It’s thanks to Daizen and my wife that I’m continuing my activities as a comedian now.”

Q: エディンバラでのパフォーマンスを夢見ていたことを含め、非常に興味深いお話ですね。大道芸人からものまね芸人に転身されたのは、どのような経緯があったのでしょうか?


Q: What is the root or driving force of that passion that you decided to pursue your dream as an comedian again?

A: “My driving force is the desire to make people smile by my performance, and the desire to make my wife happy. After finishing my journey as a street performer, I’m now working as a comedian, but although my styles are different, the basis of my passion is not shaken at all.

“When I was doing street performance, I worked hard with all my heart that I wanted to make people smile with farting performance, and as an comedian, I hope that as many people as possible will be interested in Daizen and Celtic in the future by my performance, and contribute to the sales of Daizen’s kit. For those who saw my performance, if my performance become opportunities to know Daizen, my performance may lead to making Daizen happy as a result.

“Of course, the person who saw my performance says, “He looks like Daizen!” I would be happy if you could smile, but after all, without Daizen, my performance will not be possible. In fact, it is undeniably thanks to Daizen that I am able to make my children smile as a look-alike of Daizen now, so I definitely want to say thank Daizen in person someday. After that, I want to treat her to a delicious meal someday and make her happier. Actually, I married my wife in June 2022, but I haven’t been able to go on a honeymoon yet, and now I’m saving money to go on a honeymoon in Scotland.”

Q: もう一度芸人としての夢を追いかけようと決意したその情熱の根源または原動力はどういった部分でしょうか?


Q: It’s really interesting story. What would you like to do if you could visit Scotland for your honeymoon?

A: “I’m talking to my wife about definitely watching the game at Celtic Park. After that, I think I have to go and thank Daizen in person at all costs, so I’ve definitely decided on Scotland for our honeymoon. I couldn’t visit Edinburgh as a street performer, but I’m also looking forward to visiting Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland with my wife as a Celtic supporter. If I have a chance to show off Daizen’s imitation performance somewhere in Scotland, I would like to challenge it. But in order to do that, I have to be certified by Daizen, so first of all, I want to go and express my heartfelt gratitude.”

Q: グッとくるお話です。奥様と一緒にスコットランドに行ってしてみたいことはありますか?


Q: Finally, please tell me your dreams and goals as a comedian.

A: “I would like to challenge with gratitude and respect for all players. I’m also thinking of trying to imitate some Celtic players other than Daizen. I’m also going to challenge Celtic’s legends Henrik Larsson and Scott Brown in the near future.

“By the way, as an aside, I love Celtic’s captain, Callum McGregor, so I’d like to try his hairstyle, but I don’t have enough hair on my head. I’m right-footed and played as CB, SB and DMF when I was a student. I had many opportunities to play as RSB, but I longed for a player who could hold the ball with high intensity as DMF. In that sense, I really love McGregor’s style of play.

“If it’s a player other than Celtic, it’s definitely Javier Mascherano. Anyway, I hope I can make Celtic fans and football fans smile. I’ve also tried Robben and Zidane in the past, so I’ll share photos with you.”

Q: 最後に、ものまね芸人としての夢や目標を教えてください。


That’s all for the interview, but I recruited questions for him in advance, so he answered those questions as follows…




Q. お気に入りのチーズの種類は何ですか?


Q. 日本でハットトリックを決めた気分はいかがでしたか?


Q. もしスーパーパワーを1つ持てるとしたらどのパワーを選びますか?またその理由は何ですか?


Q. ダイゼン選手のそっくりさんになるというアイデアはどうやって生まれたんですか?また、ダイゼン選手の試合はいつも追っていましたか?



“I’ve originally imitated various footballer such as Robben and Zidane, but it started when my wife said that I was similar to Daizen. Of course, I’ve been checking the game since Daizen played in Japan, and I’m always entertained by his play at Celtic as a fan.”

That’s all. This time, I will share the contact information and Twitter account of him as follows. For work requests, please contact him directly by Email or Twitter DM.

前田 大自然 Daishizen Maeda




前田 大自然 Daishizen Maeda

