The Japanese national team had the game against Peru on 20 June and won 4-1. As the game against El Salvador, Moriyasu used 4-1-4-1 system, Kyogo played as CFW and Reo Hatate as IH from start. Daizen Maeda played as striker instead of winger from the 2nd half and scored a goal.

In this article, I will not mention match report on the game, but only focus on what Celtic’s Japanese Bhoys said in interviews before and after the game. By reading this article, from their words you can know that they were able to have confidence and willingness to develop through their experience in the national team.

First of all, starting XI is as follows.

If you want to know stats and reviews of this game, check this link.

And if you want to watch highlight of this game, check out the video below…

Then, focus on what they said in the interview the day before the game against Peru, after training and this is continued on the next page starting with Daizen Maeda…

Daizen Maeda:  “I didn’t get the time to play in the game against El Salvador, so I don’t know if I can play at the game against Peru too. However, if I can play in that game, I have to do my best to bring assists and goals to our team.

“As left winger, I think more assists are also part of what our manager requires me, so I need to show my attitude to challenge to do it during the game. I think our manager is probably thinking of letting me play as left winger, but Mitoma is in the same position.

“To be honest, I feel that it’s a pretty tough competition for me. If I’m given the opportunity to play as left winger, I feel that I can’t survive if I don’t show my strengths that are different from Mitoma’s characteristics. Even if our manager tells me to perform the same as the other left wingers, I probably won’t be able to do it.

“That’s why I want to win the competition against them by performing that only I can do, such as breaking through opponent’s defense due to my own strength, speed. In particular, rather than receiving the ball at my feet, I would rather run effectively towards behind defender, so during training, I’m preparing to implement the strategy in the game while communicating with my teammates.

“My awareness of running forward on the pitch has been stronger since the World Cup. We realised at Qatar World Cup that in order for our team to win games in the world, we have to play faster and faster. That’s why we’re all working on it now.”

And after this we hear from Reo Hatate and Kyogo on the next page…

Reo Hatate: “Compared to the game against El Salvador, we need higher intensity in the game against Peru. I would like to prepare well for the game while assuming various situations. I don’t know which position to play in the game, so I attach importance to simulation.

“Now Kaoru Mitoma is leading our team well, but I want to show my own value through play without being satisfied with that reality. Not rely on Mitoma lead our team, I want to play with him on equal footing.”

Kyogo:  “I want to play for our team while aiming for catching opponent off guard.”

We hear from the manager and Japan national side teammates on the Celtic Stars on the next page…

Kyogo seems to have had few opportunities to be interviewed before the game, but his team-mates and manager have high expectations for him.

Moriyasu: “I think Kyogo’s confidence is getting stronger and stronger by continuing to score goals himself. As his teammates of Japanese national team learned about the results he achieved at Celtic this season, they are trying to bring out Kyogo’s strengths in training and games.”

Junya Ito: “I’ve known Kyogo since I was college student, and we even played together. I want to send him good pass so that he can score goals.”

In addition, Daichi Kamada, who plays as  IH the same as Reo, highly evaluated Reo’s performance.

Kamada: “Reo is better at setting up a game in midfield than mine. I can play in area closer to box by leaving those tasks to him to some extent.”

And here’s what Celtic’s Japanese Bhoys said in interviews after the game against Peru, again it’s on the next page starting with Daizen Maeda…

Daizen Maeda: “Takefusa Kubo pressed opponent’s defender well, so luckily the ball rolled toward me. I was able to carry the ball well, but couldn’t decide whether lift the ball or not. I think it was right that I didn’t choose what to do. As a result, I was able to scored a goal by choosing the way I’m good at. If I chose chip shot, I might not have scored a goal.

“I’ve been playing as left winger for a long time in training, so I expected to play as left winger, but I played as CFW. I think the strategy of aiming for space behind opponent’s defenders as team was so good.”

And now let’s see what Reo Hatate said after the match…

Reo Hatate: “We played in 4-1-4-1 system again, but in the game against Peru, I was instructed to be involved in build-up in a position that was a little closer to anchor compared to the game against El Salvador.

“Peru has been pressing us powerfully, so I played with special awareness of off-the-ball movement so that Wataru Endo and Kamada can hold more of the ball without holding the ball by myself as much as possible.

“When I received the ball, I was conscious of shaking mark of opponent’s defender, and I think it was good that I was able to play like that during the game. In this game, I think I could have held the ball a little more myself, but I was able to play effectively while always thinking flexibility while grasping situation.

“I fully understood that Kamada is good at carrying the ball to attacking area, so I was conscious that I would play a role to support him when he received the ball. I also understood that Endo’s defensive range was wide, so I defended while being conscious that I would take the ball from opponent first.

“Japanese national team has many great IH, but I don’t think it’s necessary to try to get chances to play by nullifying my own strengths. If I get chances to play, I’ll just play with my own strengths.”

Kyogo’s post-match comments are next including what he had to say about Celtic…

Kyogo: “Our wingers are ones who can break through opponent’s defence on their own, so I think we will make effective attacks based on counter attack in today’s game. That’s why I had a lot of fun playing, but just having fun doesn’t make it suitable as CFW.

“It’s my characteristic to be able to create opportunities, but I thought my finishing skill was still lacking. Even though I’ve been brushing up that part this season, the fact that I haven’t been able to do it means that I still have room for development.

“Anyway, I’ll get enough rest for my body in off-season, and after taking a rest firmly, I want to train my finishing skill again. As a team, I think it was good that we were able to score a lot of goals and win. Our team’s combination has improved little by little, so all that’s left is for me to improve my skill level.

“In this season, I wanted to win both Treble and individual awards at Celtic. I don’t think I could have achieved it without a lot of people supporting me, and I’m really happy that was able to spend good time with wonderful people at my club and was able to play as Japanese national player again. As the final event of this season, being able to play for national team was perfect for me,” Kyogo

And now comments from the manager and teammates about the Celtic players’ performances…

Before Daizen was converted to winger at Celtic by Ange, he once became a top scorer as striker in J-League, so he was able to score a goal again in that position, which must have strengthened his confidence. And Kyogo, who could not score a goal in this game, seemed to reflect on his own skills, but the manager and teammates praised him.

Junya Ito: “I was able to create chances to score several times with Kyogo in the game. If possible, I wish our combination would have led to goals, but I’m glad that I was able to create a lot of good opportunities with him anyway.

“Before the game, I told Kyogo that I would send him fast cross to the space between goalkeeper and defender. I actually tried to send him cross that Kyogo could finish with one touch. Also, Kyogo is not a type with large physique or height, so I tried while being conscious of sending him ball faster and lower.”

Moriyasu: “As for Ueda and Furuhashi, who played as CFW from start in these two games, both of them have achieved results in European league this season. I know there are some other CFW that have other results, but Ueda and Furuhashi have achieved different level of results from them. I want to continue to research players who can contribute to our team’s victory and who can score goals.”

And finally my own insight into the match and in particular the three Celtic players playing so well for Japan….

The following is my insight. Moriyasu has rarely talked about Kyogo’s performance in interviews so far, but I think his words and evaluation criteria have gradually changed. Moriyasu tends to encourage players to be spontaneous, and has incorporated a lot of players’ thoughts and opinions in team building.

If I look at him negatively, he basically adopt hands-off style in management, but if I look at him positively, he is a generous person who can cherish thoughts of players. I guess that he became to think more positively about Kyogo by learning a lot about his teammates’ trust in Kyogo and their relationships, combinations, and thoughts through training.

As a Celtic fan, I’m very happy that Celtic’s Japanese bhoys have been properly evaluated and played important roles in building the team’s foundation for the next World Cup.

And I saw some media outside of Japan mention their remarks about next season, but Celtic’s Japanese Bhoys have never talked specifically about it, so there’s no need for us to be overly worried about it now.

Now I just hope that they will have a fulfilling off-season with their family and friends. Finally, I would like to share my impressions of impressive performance in this game as follows.

That’s all.


About Yatao: I am a Content Creator and Origami art Creator, Analyst working for think tank in Japan and I joined this team in May 2023 and started to write articles as Japanese Celtic author for The Celtic Star. I live in Kobe(Japan) and have followed Celtic after 14 October, 2006, when I had watched the game against Dundee United FC – Shunsuke Nakamura scored a hat-trick. Also I am an enthusiastic supporter of Vissel Kobe, and I am familiar with various information and history of J-League. I have been posting threads on trajectory and background of Celtic Japanese players on Twitter mainly since summer of 2022 in order to further deepen the bond between Celtic and Japan. This time, I’m so proud to be more committed to Celtic by joining The Celtic Star team. I’m good at changing of viewpoints, so please expect my articles written from fresh perspective.


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