How delighted I am to say that my pessimistic forebodings were unfounded, and that Celtic duly delivered at Pittodrie yesterday, doing so incidentally in a way that had not really seemed likely a few weeks earlier.

Gone was the timidity and fecklessness of the 0-0 draws against Aberdeen, Livingston and Hibs, and instead we had real attacking intent and in fact three really good goals with my favourite being the first one, the diving header from Mikael Lustig who, everybody has been telling us, is finished. I’m not so sure.

One did get the feeling after that that things were not going to go wrong against a demoralised and defeated Aberdeen outfit who seemed to have given up for the season, particularly after they hit the post.

I think that was the poorest home support I have seen at Pittodrie for a while. Presumably the Aberdeen support was as disgusted by their lacklustre performance last week at Ibrox as we were. Maybe Mr McInnes will feel this summer that his taxi is waiting?

It is probably true to say that each of our last three League triumphs has been poorer than its predecessor.

This year, the players have had quite a lot to cope with. The players were probably not so upset as we were about the strange failure to land John McGinn (after all it would have bee extra competition for places!), but they have had many injuries to cope with and they did have to deal with the astonishing and barely credible departure of their Manager.

Broony celebrating the first of eight in a row….

Scott Brown, more magnanimous than I, suggests it is time to forgive. I would not yet use that word, but I think that it is beneficial to move on. Yesterday’s events will have helped in this respect.

So we have now won our 50th League title. Congratulations to all concerned, and all that really matters now in the rest of the season is the Scottish Cup final.

Next week’s game at Ibrox will generate its own excitement, but it is basically a red herring and matters not other than “bragging rights”, whatever that piece of nonsense might mean in the context of eight titles in a row!

It is important however not to lose sight of the Scottish Cup Final. Three a row is now the cry as we pursue our 39th victory. On paper we should have no problem, but the game is not played on paper. It is played on grass at Hampden on 25 May.

I like the sound of that date, by the way. Have you all got your ticket yet?

In the meantime, for the next few days at least, let’s celebrate! We have a lot to be happy about!

David Potter

Sandman’s Definitive Title R8tings – Celtic at The Woolen Mill