Unmissable! Celtic fans reply to Alex, the Rangers fan – ‘the Donald Trump of Pigeons,’ ‘the pain is fantastic’

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YESTERDAY MORNING we published a message we received from Alex, a supporter of the Rangers, we asked for your feedback and promised to publish your responses to what he had to say.

If you missed his correspondence then you’ll want to catch up before reading on, so check out the link below…

And a reminder too of why Alex got in touch in the first place. It was as direct result of him reading this article on The Celtic Star which was the follow up to us looking at the exemplary behaviour of Celtic Supporters at three European Finals in Lisbon, Milan and Seville and then the contrast with the behaviour of the Rangers support in Barcelona in 1972 and Manchester in 2008, both as you will know ended in riots.

So you will have read Alex’s response yesterday or by reading on the link above this morning. Here are what Celtic Supporters have had to say to Alex after his correspondence was published on The Celtic Star…

Celtic Supporters’ Responses to Alex, the Rangers supporter who yesterday contacted The Celtic Star about the Riots in Manchester in 2008 and much more…


Alex, I know we’re socially distancing right now but you can open the curtains and let in daylight? What I find most laughable about his account is its lack of acquaintance with any kind of plot.

It’s like a glossary of risible excuse or anecdote, one after the other. The English and Irish amongst their number in Manchester, being voted down the leagues etc. We’ve heard all that stuff before. I’ll credit him though with one piece of new information. I didn’t know that noble, altruistic, outward looking Gers saved our skins. I’m struggling to compute that selfless act with the club that wanted the bank to pull their support of Celtic a few years later but hey ho, must be me.

What’s gross from Alex is his Jock Tamson’s Bairns appeal before doing the same as the most vile fans amongst their number do, make paedo references. They’re obsessed about that, Alex even manages to use it to describe Fergus, you’d better watch Alex, that’s gross and potentially defamatory and unlike your lot, Fergus normally is successful in his litigation!

That apart this makes Alex just another creep in my view. One who will attack Celtic anyway he can whilst looking the other way at anything which puts either of his two clubs in a bad light.

His point about tainted titles deserves no serious rebuttal so I won’t bother except to express a hope that even Alex in his quieter moments knows just how stupid his position is.

Open the curtains Alex, let the daylight in. Or don’t, it matters little.

Brendan Melvin

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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk

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