Academy starlet Owen Moffat – perhaps the stand-out of the afternoon for Celtic in the first two of the three 30 minute periods in the match against Sheffield Wednesday this afternoon – has put Celtic into the lead with a lovely turn and shot from 18 yards.

The Celtic TV commentator described him as “a little Jimmy Johnstone” and that probably something many supporters watching on the Pass to Paradise or Celtic TV were thinking themselves. Josh Windass had given Wednesday an early lead – much to the delight of the obsessed on social media – before skipper for the day Albian Ajeti levelled the match with a neat shot after being set up by Ewan Henderson.

The stand-outs so far for Celtic have been new Bhoy Shaw, Moffat and Henderson.

It’s the second break of the day and the second Celtic side will now come on to hopefully see out the win. At the moment the score is Celtic 2 Sheffield Wednesday 1.

The team likely to finish the match is Bain; O’Connor, Murray, Hjelde, McPherson, Connell, Otoo, Robertson, Afolabi, Coffey, Edouard.