Some man is Wee Bertie, gathering Charlie & The Bhoys, actor Gianni Capaldi and Big Bad John Hartson roon at his place for a wee Celtic sing-song…

Some of the comments to this wee sing song video are well worth mentioning…

“Absolutely love wee Bertie! Out of every Celtic player past & present I’ve had the pleasure of meeting he’s been the best by a country mile!!! Green heartGreen heartGreen heart I could sit and talk to him for hours,” Riccardo Crolla.

“Fantastic! Hit me right in the feels. I miss seeing Bertie at the games. Legend,” M…”That is brilliant!!!” Lisburn Bhoy….”Brilliant lads – hail hail Bertie and you all,” John Lambie…”Fantastic to see HH,” Gill.

Good man, Bertie. Big John Hartson hasn’t a note in the head,” Ronan Devlin….”I don’t think I can love this anymore than I already do,” Tricia Sibbald…”Fantastic. What a man,” MaccaR…”This is magic,” Roisin Doyle…”brilliant god bless Bertie Auld…”Amazing mate. A wee tear in my eye,” Pielcarni…”Brilliant. The mans a true Celtic icon,” Paul Connelly…”Love this, bertie is a true gentleman,” Scottishmum.