Brendan Rodgers saves young Celtic supporter from over-zealous stewards and earns the appreciation of the Green Brigade…

One small detail that happened in the minutes following the full-time whistle in West Lothian today was the fact that Celtic boss, Brendan Rodgers, saved a young Hoops supporter from some over-zealous stewards at the Toni Macaroni Arena. The youngster invaded the pitch at the end of the match when the players were heading towards the fans and was met with three men in high-vis jackets.

The little fella who was eager to meet his heroes after the final whistle was then tackled to the ground by some very hefty hands. Twice his size and build, they wrestled the young man to the ground on the pitch at the goal but Rodgers quickly ran across to intervene when he saw the situation unfold in front of him.

The 50-year-old Celtic boss jumped to the defence of the child and asked the heavy handed staff on duty in the stadium to leave him be. With that, Rodgers then proceeded to put his arm around the wee man Martin O’Neill-style and walk him towards the stands were presumably his dad was sitting with the masses of Celtic supporters behind the goal.

It was a great moment for the small Celtic fanatic and will be an enduring memory for him as he goes through the years and into adulthood. For Brendan, it was a smooth move right in front of the Green Brigade – who haven’t been the most welcoming of him since his return to the club was announced – although they are warming to him it has to be said.

Instances like this should help appeal to their better nature too…

Very shrewd, Brendan. Very shrewd indeed.

Paul Gillespie