Video: Dylan Levitt equalises for Hibs, Celtic must respond

Dylan Levitt pulled Hibs level with a tidy finish as Celtic have started the second half poorly. Adam Idah’s first half penalty was cancelled out as Nick Montgomery’s Hibs have turned up the pressure.

Joe Hart made a crucial save from point blank save from a bicycle kick from the Hibs forward. It was the same against Aberdeen with the Englishman being called into action. Moments later, Martin Boyle was booked for diving.

Celtic need to raise their levels in what is a must win clash at Easter Road.

About Author

Born just as Celtic were stopping the Ten, Lubo98 follows Celtic home and away and helps run his local Celtic Supporters Club. He goes to all the games and is a Law Graduate. Has a particular fondness for Tom Rogic among the current Celts and both Lubo and Henrik form his earliest Celtic memories.


  1. Martin Blackshaw on

    Celtic won that game by pure luck, not by effort. They were lax in the first half and outplayed in the second, lucky not to be 3-1 down by the time Kyogo’s penalty was awarded.

    I’ve mentioned so many times about the transfer window and the absence of those few quality players Celtic desperately need, but tonight’s effort confirmed to me that the most urgent thing that the Celtic Board needs to address is Rodgers. Despite injuries, Celtic still have a better team than most, if not all, of the other teams in the SPL, yet we see the dire tactics Rodgers is employing game after game and the way he has destroyed the dynamic of that team, especially Kyogo. If Celtic has any chance of retaining the title this season then the Board MUST replace Rodgers with a younger, more dynamic and proven manager. Rodgers is old hat and it shows, the football he has that team playing is football for insomniacs. On present form, Rangers will rip this Celtic team apart at Ibrox in April unless Celtic part ways with Brendan Rodgers now. I don’t think I could watch another performance like these recent ones. He has absolutely destoryed what Ange Postecoglu had built and it is so obvious now that he has that team clueless and losing confidence.

  2. We are on a backward slide we are so predictable with the centre back monopoly on possession if I can see it I’m sure professionals can boot Rogers in the arse it’s painful to watch bernabai our best player fk me scales n mcgregor we’re shocking palma is fkn rank and maeda would be a brickie if he didn’t have pace:) rant over coybig