This Sunday marks the beginning of the Kano Foundation’s 10th season keeping football free for kids.

Every year the charity kick off the season with an Annual Bucket Collection at Celtic Park, but this year is as we all know, very different given that fans are not allowed to attend matches yet due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Kano Foundation relies on donations to purchase season tickets, scarfs and snacks for the children, giving them a day to remember. As such, they have decided to launch a virtual bucket collection which given their popularity among the Celtic support, is bound to be hugely successful.

Here’s famous friends of the Kano, Martin Compston and Gianni Capaldi, with a few words which are certainly well worth listening to. And please do try to make sure that the few quid you’d normally drop into their buckets on Flag Day still finds its way to this most worthwhile of all the various Celtic supporter initiatives that combine to make ours, a club like no other.