Video: The major difference between Brendan and Ange shown in training clip

Celtic have replaced one top manager with another. Ange Postecoglou left for Tottenham I. June and was replaced by Brendan Rodgers, who returned for a second stint as manager.

Matt O’Riley commented on the difference that Rodgers made following his arrival given his more welcoming attitude to players. Ange had his own style which was successful but the players appear to like the man management of Rodgers.

Not only that, with regards to training, Rodgers has a more hands-on role on the training pitch. This was emphasised in a post by Celtic’s social media team across Instagram earlier today.

The clip shows Rodgers in the middle of a drill getting his message across to ten players on how to play.

Ange was always on the training pitch but allowed his lieutenants (Kennedy, Strachan and Kewell) to deliver his message. Rodgers is a different type of manager, he is a coach predominately.

About Author

Born just as Celtic were stopping the Ten, Lubo98 follows Celtic home and away and helps run his local Celtic Supporters Club. He goes to all the games and is a Law Graduate. Has a particular fondness for Tom Rogic among the current Celts and both Lubo and Henrik form his earliest Celtic memories.

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