Yang Hyun-jun and Kwon Hyeok-kyu moves held up by paperwork issues

Celtic’s latest additions are being held up due to paperwork delays. Both Yang Hyun-jun and Kwon Hyeok-kyu were supposed to link-up with their new teammates and manager in Japan whilst the Hoops are still on their Japanese tour, however, it now looks like both men will head to Glasgow instead.

It’s somewhat disappointing as the supporters had hoped to see them male an appearance at some point during our Japan Tour, but it’s now more likely we will see both players in the flesh at either the Aviva Stadium in Dublin, when we take on Wolverhampton Wanderers on 29 July, or during James Forrest’s Testimonial at Celtic Park on Tuesday, 1 August.

Paperwork issues always occur, especially when it comes to visas and things of that nature. It’s no big deal and we will still all get to see the South Korean pair at some point in the future, particularly with the season about to kick-off in just over a fortnight. The wait just makes the desire to see them all the more stronger and it will be a great feeling when we see them in the Hoops!

Sky Sports’ Anthony Joseph revealed the issues via Twitter:

Paul Gillespie

About Author

I'm a Garngad Bhoy through and through. My first ever Celtic game was a friendly against Italian side Parma at Celtic Park, in 2002. Currently a student of English Literature and Education at the University of Strathclyde for my sins. Favourite game would be a toss up between beating Manchester United with that Naka freekick, or the game against the Oldco when Hesselink scored in the dying seconds. I'm still convinced Cal Mac is wasted playing that far back.

1 Comment

  1. Justshatered on

    Time is now getting seriously tight for the start of the season. We need defensive cover desperately and we need it bedded in before the start of the season.
    Sure we’ve changed manager but the signing of quality players is simply taking far too long.
    I think we need a new goalkeeper, centre half, a left back to challenge Taylor, and if Ralston is injured we need to decide if Iwata is the temporary fix or again we need to go into the market.
    We do not want to be giving our competitors any hope early in the season.