Yokohama F Marinos 6-4 Celtic – Defensive frailties clear to see

The first game of the Japan trip didn’t go to plan as we crashed to a 6-4 defeat at the hands of Yokohama F Marinos.

Daizen Maeda’s first half hat trick and David Turnbull’s long range effort were the only things worth shouting about.

Brendan will have learned a lot about his new squad and it won’t be good things that’s for sure, defensively speaking. Frankly Celtic were all over the place at the back, even Joe Hart had a moment of madness handing Yokohama the first goal on a plate. It’s clear we need reinforcements at the back. New faces at right back and centre back are critical.

And after today’s defensive showing he’s hardly likely to be complacent in his pursuit of new signings.

Just an Ordinary Bhoy

About Author

An ordinary everyday Celtic supporters hailing and still residing in Govan in the shadows of the enemy. I’m a season ticket holder. I Witnessed my first Celtic game in 1988 and have attended when I can ever since. Growing up in the 90s I witnessed Celtic at their lowest, and now appreciate the historic success we enjoy today. I enjoy writing about this wonderful football club and hopefully will continue to do so. I’ve always been a keen writer and initially started this a hobby. My ambition is to one day become as good an author as my fellow Celtic Star colleagues.

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