Zombie Outrage! Remember the call for Worldwide ban of Celtic tops at Golf? Now it’s Cricket

YOU may remember back in 2017 that a blue-nosed journalist on The Scotsman called for the ban on Celtic tops at major golf tournaments as this was clearly getting in the way of his enjoyment of his other favourite game.

Well let’s hope that it’s just football and golf he writes and not cricket.

England are in the Antigua at the moment playing a test match against the West Indies. It’s currently live on Sky for those not listening to the Fields of Anthenry on ITV.

Anyway after a decent bit of batting the camera turns to the crowd, who are celebrating a four and guess what the chap is wearing? I’ll give you a clue, it might not please the Scotsman journalist if he’s tuning in…

Martin Dempster reckoned that Celtic supporters around the world should be banned from wearing the famous green and white Hoops to golf tournaments.

Writing in his column in May 2017, the Scotsman’s golf correspondent reckoned that Celtic shirts has no place in a game which is known for its colourful attire.

Dempster was watching the drama unfold at The Players Championship at Sawgrass when up popped a few Bhoys in the famous green and white hooped Celtic jersey.

It all was too much for Dempster, whose own club kicked the bucket in 2012.

“People seeming to be obsessed with wearing football strips at non-football events,” he wrote after seeing the Hoops at that event.

“The Players Championship at Sawgrass was the latest such occasion and there’s no need to even identify the two matching strips in question spotted in the crowd close to the 17th tee as that is irrelevant,” he wrote.

“What really bugs me is why on earth do people heading to a golf tournament think it is either necessary or acceptable to be donning football colours in the first place?

Because they love their team, it’s something they are rightly proud of, maybe because it will get under Zombie skins? Dunno…

So back to today’s cricket, perhaps the most unlikely place where you’d ever expect to see another example of the premise that wherever you go in the world you are never more that 100 metres away from someone wearing the Hoops.

The Scotsman’s had major financial troubles in recent times. Journalists are having to double up on their briefs to keep themselves in a job. Gloriously, Martin Dempster, delighted in the knowledge that Brother Dallas had awarded not one, two or three penalties today but FOUR to his beloved Rangers, would have settled down to watch some cricket for his column.

And then this happens this afternoon….

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About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email editor@thecelticstar.co.uk

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