King’s Protestant Vow & BBC’s anti-Catholic John Knox joke

Thank heavens for the Champions League. After a weekend of state imposed mourning resulted in the cancellation of football, but curiously not rugby or cricket, the beautiful game returns with Celtic away to Shakhtar Donetsk on Wednesday – the match is being played in Warsaw due to the war in Ukraine and you can get Celtic live scores throughout the evening, plus comprehensive coverage on The Celtic Star.

Whether Sunday’s trip to Paisley goes ahead given that the Queen’s funeral is taking place the next day, was unclear but it seemed more than likely that another round of postponements would have been  coming our way and as far as Celtic is concerned that would have meant that the game at St Mirren would have been  the second fixture to fall victim to state censorship. However it appears that the news this lunchtime is that the games this weekend will actually be allowed to take place.

The annoucement of the Queen’s death happened as Hearts were playing in the UEFA Conference League match against Istanbul Basaksehir at Tynecastle. The Queen’s death was annouced while the players were in the dressing rooms at the interval and a minute’s silence was hastily arranged before the second half got underway. It was not observed by many of the supporters in the crowd, with booing, anger and a rather unsuccessful attempt to start singing God Save the Queen, which as any constituitonal expert will tell you was inappopriate in itself.

That incident set alarm bells ringing in the British Establishment and football was going to have to be dealt with.

Later that night over in Dublin, a section of the Shamrock Rovers support chanted about the Queen’s death, and these two incidents combined to convince football authorities in both England and Scotland that the games in Britain could not proceed at any level over this past weekend, with women’s football also included in the postponement directives from the game’s governing bodies.

For some bizarre reason both Celtic and Liverpool fans were then criticised by right wing zealots and hard of thinking bigots on social media, as these morons reckoned the games were called off because of the likely response to the Queen’s passing from both sets of supporters. They never factored in the reaction at Tynecastle, remember Hearts is the Edinburgh establishment club, and paid no attention to the wider and growing anti-monarchy feeling across the UK.

The media output on the BBC is state propaganda and it was long in the planning. However just as the establishment fears the vocal response from the King’s not so loyal subjects when they get their chance to react when football resumes this weekend – and presumably that is going to happen all over the place. in the new age in media, so different to when Queen Elizabeth II of England (not Scotland) came to the throne in 1952, we all got a glimpse into the mindset of the British establishment over the weekend and it exposed some horrible truths.

The new King’s vow to defend the one true protestant faith, the comments about John Knox and Catholics on the BBC on Sunday afternoon, a case of the bigotry mask slipping, the arrest of a women peacefully demonstrating against the Monarchy in Edinburgh, all these things will only strenthen the hand of those wishing to see the end to this nonsense once and for all.

And after that proclamation on Saturday, signed by among others Scotland’s First Minister, a debate needs to be had about the kind of Scotland we should have moving forward. Celtic is a Football Club open to all, Scotland should be able to say the same. On Saturday we were shown that that isn’t true at all and that’s an unsatisfactory, untenable position in 2022.

About Author

The Celtic Star founder and editor David Faulds has edited numerous Celtic books over the past decade or so including several from Lisbon Lions, Willie Wallace, Tommy Gemmell and Jim Craig. Earliest Celtic memories include a win over East Fife at Celtic Park and the 4-1 League Cup loss to Partick Thistle as a 6 year old. Best game? Easy 4-2, 1979 when Ten Men Won the League. Email

1 Comment

  1. The original words of God Save the King contained the following

    “God grant that General Wade,
    By thy Almighty Aid
    May Victory bring!
    He’ll like a torrent rush
    And in a mighty gush
    Rebellious SCOTS to crush,
    God Save The King!”

    So what do they say about that at Balmoral, Ibrox and BBC Scotland, I wonder?