Settling child abuse cases is the right thing to do. It’s what all the victims deserve…
I don’t usually like talking about this particular subject, but in light of yesterday’s reports I think it’s important to do so. I’m of course referring to the horrific child abuse atrocities that took place at Celtic boys club many decades ago with Celtic reportedly looking at compensating the victims of the heinous crimes, because it is the right thing to do and not because of any accepted responsibility.
Although no amount of money can compensate for the vile crimes that the victims endured it’s perhaps a crumb of comfort for them to feel their voices have been heard and some justice has been served. The club maintain that the boys club was a separate entity from the senior side and although that is factually correct, the club also understand that they have a moral responsibility to look after those who were violated in a such a cruel and wicked way.
An out of court settlement is perhaps the wisest choice by both parties as a court case could have seen this drag on for years and that is good for nobody, particularly the victims.
It’s important to note that Celtic have insurance against any legal action that could be raised against Celtic PLC and it would be the insurance company that would have been contesting the case on the basis that their client – Celtic PLC – is not liable because Celtic Boys Club was it’s own organisation and was not owed or controlled by their client at any stage.
The insurers would have been confident of success in the law courts but Celtic less so in the court of public opinion.
The lawyers for the victims probably understood this all too well and have been acting more as a PR company pushing a argument via the media rather than getting their case before a court.
Hopefully the club will now pay the victims what they are due, although money won’t take away their awful experiences or the nightmares they have suffered since, but it’s a step in the right direction and can perhaps bring the victims a little bit of closure. Along with any compensation payment the club should also apologise on behalf of those in charge at the time of the heinous crimes, which has been a stain on our wonderful football club for many decades.
After all the evil acts happened, Celtic’s names was allowed to be used and not only did it ruin the life of many children, it’s dragged the good name of the club and some of our most iconic figures who were completely innocent through the mud because of the wicked acts committed by the perpetrators.
Celtic is about helping those in need and not destroying the lives of young children who only wanted to play football. What happened can never be forgotten and nor it should, but we can apologise and learn and hopefully move on and more importantly get some kind of closure for those who were affected.
And hopefully Celtic’s actions will open the door for victims at other Scottish clubs to get a similar settlement so that they too can get some closure. The same firm of solicitors who are representing the victims of Celtic Boys Club Abuse are also representing other groups of victims associated with the following clubs or organisations in the Scottish game:
Dundee United Football Club
Hibernian Football Club
Hutchison Vale Football Club
Partick Thistle Football Club
Rangers Football Club
Scottish Football Association
You will recall that the child abuse victims were told by the current Ibrox club that their claim had nothing to do with the 2012 formed football club and instead should be dealt with by the old Rangers FC liquidators. However they deserve to receive a similar settlement from the new club that likes to claim the history of the former club, except of course when it doesn’t suit them to do so.
And theRangers supporters, who have obsessed about the Celtic Boys Club abuse scandal for a decade or more, and who insist that they are the same club with all that 55 nonsense, should now turn their attention to getting their own (same) club to address their own child abuse scandal once and for all. Some hope.
And mentioning this point is not about point scoring, or getting them back for their own evil, warped obsessions, but is about looking for justice for everyone affected by these monsters regardless of where they preyed on their victims and which unfortunate football club had their names tarnished by such evil intent and action.
Celtic is belatedly looking to do the right thing. So too should the other clubs and the Scottish FA, so that all victims can get some justice, compensation and closure once and for all.
Just an Ordinary Bhoy
In genuine cases of sexual abuse no amount of money can ever undo the damage, so money should always be off the table and justice alone should take precedence. How many innocent people, I wonder, have gone to prison on the basis of decades-old abuse accusations they could never hope to defend themselves against? There should be a statute of limitations on all crimes, especially those of a sexual nature, so that the accused has some kind of chance at a defence. This “I was abused 40 years ago” doesn’t work for me. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not normal to keep quiet about abuse for so many years. If anything like that had happened to me as a child, I’d have told my parents immediately. I don’t buy the usual excuses as to why that didn’t happen. Children don’t reason these things out, they just tell adults they trust what has happened to them. Well, that’s my take on it anyway and I think this decades-old compensation business does not remotely reflect true justice as it was once served in this country.
you’re spot on except for every one telling their parents at the time it happened 90% of soliciters
are looking to get as much money as possible for themselves as they can .They don’t give a shit
about their clients win or lose they get their big payoff anyway .I have personal expeirence of two
law firms to form my opinions, i’m sure many other people have too .I guarantee this won’t happen
to Sevco . They have the backing of our so called justice system Lord so and so ruled in their
favour, the media we know will attack Celtic but wont say a bad word about them and the fraud
ebt’s etc etc etc
big jock knew..(wallace that is//,gough///)